
Student Life


At Notre Dame of De Pere, we take pride in being a Raider and feel that our smaller school size gives students more opportunities for team involvement with athletics. More than 90% of all Notre Dame of De Pere students in grades 5-8 participate in at least one sport. Each student is encouraged to participate in our sports program regardless of their skill level. Our goal for sports is to build confidence, teamwork, athletic skills and motivation.

Our Athletic Director is Annette Krutz. For more information about Notre Dame of De Pere athletics, please email her.

Notre Dame Athletic Parent/Athlete HandbookClick Here

GRACE Code of Conduct: Must be signed by all coaches and volunteers. Click Here

Gym Locations: Click Here

Athletics Offered

Fall Sports

  • Soccer: Co-ed (Grades 5-8)
  • Volleyball: Co-ed (Grades 5-8). Boys in grades 5, 6 and 7 are allowed to play volleyball if they play one grade up. Boys in eighth grade are not able to participate. Girls in fifth grade may play in a sixth-grade league.
  • Cross country: Co-ed (Grades 5-8)
  • Football: Co-ed (Grades 6-8). Students from all GRACE schools are invited to participate on the football team. The fee for all players is $150, which includes personalized jersey, no fundraising.

Winter Sports

  • Basketball: Boys and girls teams (grades 5-8).
  • Grades 5-6 boys basketball (November-December) in De Pere League
  • Grades 5-6 girls basketball (January-February) in De Pere League
  • Grades 7-8 girls and boys basketball (November-January) in GRACE League

Spring Sports

  • Track and Field: Co-ed (Grades 6-8)
  • Tennis: Co-ed (Grades 6-8)

Little Raider Sports

  • Flag football (fall sport): Co-ed (Grades 2-5)
  • Basketball (winter sport): Boys and Girls (Grades 3-4). Instructional league February-3 weeks practice / 3 weeks games. Parent/Coach referees.

Athletic Booster Club Committee

The goal of the Athletic Booster Club Committee is to raise funds to support the athletic programs at Notre Dame. The goal is to keep sports fees as low as possible and help cover expenses related to Notre Dame of De Pere athletics such as buying new equipment and uniforms, paying for referees, and any other athletics-related costs. The committee meets monthly.

We couldn’t have Notre Dame of De Pere athletics without the help of our parents. Please consider volunteering, even if your child is not in athletics and/or in the specific sport that is going on. Working concessions fills fundraising hours toward your school requirement.

Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers                 

The Code of Conduct for coaches and sport/club volunteers is intended to provide a standard of professional conduct aligned with our school mission. It is meant to be signed by all coaches as well as volunteers prior to the start of the season.

Principle 1: Competence
Coaches recognize the boundaries of their particular competencies and the limitations of their expertise. They provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by education, training or experience. 

Principle 2: Integrity
Coaches are honest, fair and respectful of others supporting the mission of the GRACE schools.

Principle 3: Respect for Participants and Dignity
Coaches respect the fundamental rights, dignity and worth of all those taking part in sport. Coaches are aware of cultural, individual, and role differences, including those of age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and socioeconomic status. This includes both on- and off-the-field interactions during the full academic year for all coaches/volunteers and athletes.

Principle 4: Concern for the Welfare of Others
Coaches seek to contribute to the welfare of those with whom they interact. When conflicts occur, coaches attempt to resolve these conflicts and to perform their roles in a responsible fashion that is aligned with our Catholic mission.

Principle 5: Responsible Coaching
Coaches are aware of their responsibilities to the community and the society in which they work and live. They apply and make public their knowledge of sport in order to contribute to human welfare. 

The Code of Conduct promotes fair and responsible behavior by the coach towards the athletes s/he is in charge of. The coach´s function is that of a role model especially considering children and youths, therefore, coaches are challenged to constantly behave and act in manners appropriate. The obligation of a coach is not only to promote, advance and support the athletic career of an individual but also to raise the individual to be good persons with stable notions of values, good behaviors and manners.