
Family Involvement


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Throughout the year, Notre Dame of De Pere holds several events and manages various fundraising programs. They are always fun, meaningful, and a great way for families and students to get involved. Fundraising and volunteering are essential for the growth of our school, and the success of these events relies heavily on the participation of school families and volunteer parents. In order to provide school families with a better understanding of how our fundraising/volunteer events are organized, please see below a list of our event categories.

Third Source Funding

Money raised from Rise Up Raiders Night, Scrip sales, and GRACE Calendar Raffle sales will be used to meet our Third Source Funding goal set by GRACE. The monies raised to meet this requirement will be sent to GRACE to help cover the operating costs for our school and other GRACE-wide expenses including curriculum purchases, technology, and maintaining affordable tuition. Additional monies earned above and beyond this goal are used to benefit the school based on the priorities that Notre Dame of De Pere sets each year.

For more information regarding our Third Source Funding events, please contact the event coordinators:

Rise Up Raiders Night: Rebecca Larsen, Katie McCarty, Andrea Miller and Maria Webb

Scrip Sales: Anne Schlies

GRACE Calendar Raffle Sales: Nina McDonough

Home & School: Miranda DeRouchey, Lisa Richardson, Emily Rohr


Money raised from Athletic Concessions, the Volleyball League Tournament, March Madness, and Raider Wear sales will be used to support the Athletics Department at Notre Dame of De Pere.

For more information regarding these events, contact our Athletic Director, Annette Krutz.